CRC – 55tW Dose Calibrator / Well Counter
Provides advanced features with the speed and accuracy you need to measure activity and prepare doses.

CRC – 55tW Dose Calibrator / Well Counter
- Description
As a combination of the new CRC®-55tR Dose Calibrator and Well Counter, the CRC®-55tW’s dose calibrator provides advanced features with the speed and accuracy you need to measure activity and prepare doses. Its ion chamber is one of Capintec’s time-tested, high pressure well designs capable of measuring a dose as high as 6 Ci (250 GBq) with high accuracy. The CRC®-55tW features a new helpful chamber plug-and-play capability.
For wipe testing, the CRC®-55tW allows the user to define specific counting procedures (protocols) with trigger levels for work, patient, unrestricted areas and sealed source leak tests. The CRC®-55tW also performs counting functions for wipe tests in as little as 6 seconds at activities as low as 1 nCi. Low activities are measured with a drilled well high sensitivity Sodium Iodide (NaI) detector.
The well counter includes a 256 channel MCA which provides detailed spectrum for identification and analysis. Manual and automatic ROI selection are available.
The chamber and counter of the CRC®-55tW are combined in a menu driven, touch screen interface that is easy to learn and use.
Reports software, new for the CRC®-55tW, archives well counter data for quality assurance procedures, wipe measurements and laboratory tests. Well counter reports are stored and searchable by date range for later viewing or printing. Wipe tests are searchable by date range, wipe type, and activity.
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