CRC–77tHR Dose Calibrator
High-activity measurements for isotope production environments.
CRC – 55t PET Dose Calibrator
Increases the maximum activity range for high energy PET isotopes
CRC15W Dose Calibrator With Chamber
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The CRC®-15W provides a precise, accurate, fast and very convenient method of measuring the activity of a radioisotope sample for Nuclear Medicine and Brachytherapy. The activity of the sample will be displayed with a proper unit when a sample of unknown strength (activity) of a known radioisotope is placed in one of the detectors (ionization chamber or counter) and the correct calibration number is selected. The sample must be placed in the same geometry as the reference source used to determine the calibration number by using the appropriate source holder.
CRC 25R Dose Calibrator With Chamber
The Capintec CRC®-25R Dose Calibrator gives you the state-of-the-art technology you’ve always expected from Capintec, plus many outstanding new features in one small package. The CRC®-25R is designed to meet the demands of your Nuclear Medicine Department with accuracy and ease of operation.
CRC15R Dose Calibrator With Chamber
CRC-15R Dose Calibrator is laid out for fast, efficient navigation and designed of high quality and reliable hardware.
CRC – 55tW Dose Calibrator / Well Counter
Provides advanced features with the speed and accuracy you need to measure activity and prepare doses.